Thursday, October 9, 2014

One last hurrah: digging the RV out of hibernation

Well, it looks like I jumped the gun on winterizing our new trailer.
By "new", of course, I mean, "New to us". In truth, the trailer is almost as old as I am. However, that doesn't change the fact that it suits our camping needs perfectly, and I couldn't argue with the price.
Where was I? Oh yeah, I got excited about the whole, "I've got a new thing, let's make procedures about it!" thing (is that a thing?) and went ahead and winterized it as soon as I thought we were done camping for the season. Because I take care of my stuff.
Well, turns out that was a less than optimal idea. See, this weekend is Thanksgiving here in Canada, and we're going out of town to visit family. Out of town means securing sleeping arrangements, and with all the other family coming into town, our options are limited.
However, since the snow hasn't flown yet in this neck of the woods, taking the trailer is one of them.
I guess that means I get to try out the dewinterizing procedure!

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